SSM BizTrust via SSM BizTrust QR Code is a mechanism for verifying identity of business entity and is a benchmark for compliance with the Acts administered by SSM. Other than that, SSM BizTrust serves as a digital identification to business entities in compliance with the Acts administered by SSM in creating consumer confidence to conduct transactions with business entities.
SSM BizTrust enables Malaysian online business entities to capitalize on the rapidly growing industry. SSM BizTrust is a means to build trust and gain consumer confidence in doing online transaction and to create a business community that is secure and adheres to the ethics of online business practices with validation through the SSM BizTrust QR Code.
Corporate and Business Information Data (CBID)
Customisable data for both companies and businesses that you
can customise at affordable prices!! Data includes list of
companies or statistical data.
Why Do You Need It?
- For business growth information in a respective
- For marketing purposes or networking collaboration.
- For exclusive research and analysis.
- For business expansion analysis either through joint
venture or alliances.
Business, Company and LLP Information
A report which contains the information of a business,
company or limited liability partnership.
SSM BizCodEX is a business code search system designed to help the public identify suitable business codes based on registered business activities. The business codes used by the Companies Commission of Malaysia (SSM) are based on the Malaysian Standard Industrial Classification (MSIC) 2008 Version 1, provided by Department of Statistics Malaysia (DOSM). Launched on 11 November 2024, SSM BizCodEX serves as a tool to match Kod Bidang Bekalan dan Perkhidmatan MOF and Kod Pengkhususan CIDB with the MSIC 2008 that is used as the standard for economic classification.
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